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Implementation of CBES Seminar (Computer Based Experiment System)

A seminar with the topic of "New Methods in Doing Scientific Experiments" has been held on June 26, 2010. In this seminar High School teachers were introduced to a new way in doing scientific experiment using computer based tools, which we call CBES (Computer Based Experiment System).

Located at the Assembly Hall within the areal of PUDAK SCIENTIFIC Factory in Gedebage, Bandung, this seminar was led by Ir. Janto V. Sulungbudi as the main speaker. He is the Head of Electronic Lab and Advance Physics at Parahyangan University. With him also speak at this seminar were Ms. Jane (Mr. Janto's assistant) and Mr. Edi Gunadi from PUDAK SCIENTIFIC.

This seminar explains that today's technology has led us to a new era, by which High School students can now do scientific experiments using computers as the main tool. The advantages are: precise experiment measurements, automatically recorded and displayed results, more efficent and faster experiment time (thus enables students to do more experiment repetitions). Doing experiments using computers is also more fun and enjoyable. Mr. Janto Sulungbudi with the team demonstrated some CBES (Computer Based Experiment System), ie. Biology (Production of Gas and Heart Pulse Measurement), Physics (Neon, Energy, Movement, Sound, Electricity Experiments, etc.) and Chemistry (Instant Ice Experiment, etc.)

The seminar was successful, which can be seen by the number of participats (more that 70 High School teachers attended). The participants were not only from Bandung Area, but also from outside of Bandung and even from other islands outside Java (ie. Tulungagung, Surakarta, Jakarta, Bengkulu, Way Kanan, Pundong).

For more information regarding CBES (Computer Based Experiment System), please email us at: sales@pudak.com

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